Welcome to UncensoredDNS
UncensoredDNS is the name of a DNS service which consists of two uncensored DNS servers. The servers are available for use by anyone, free of charge.
This service is run by Thomas Steen Rasmussen, born 1979. I am a system architect and developer in a Danish company, and I also teach and consult in my spare time. I run UncensoredDNS as a private individual, with my own money.
You can read more using the menu above, or if you just want the DNS server info can get it below.

DNS servers
Anycast from multiple locations.
DNS-over-TLS anycast.uncensoreddns.org:853
DNS-over-HTTPS https://anycast.uncensoreddns.org/dns-query
This node is hosted at AS9167 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
DNS-over-TLS unicast.uncensoreddns.org:853
DNS-over-HTTPS https://unicast.uncensoreddns.org/dns-query
Latest blogposts
Kracon Anycast Node Shut Down
by Tykling @ October 24, 2024The Kracon anycast node has been shut down permanently today. The company sponsoring the node is sh…
Tags: anycast
Celebrating 15 Years of UncensoredDNS
by Tykling @ October 23, 2024TL;DR: It has almost been 15 years since I started UncensoredDNS. That calls for a celebration! See…
Tags: birthday
Cleartext DNS Turned Off
by Tykling @ September 01, 2022Today, as promised, I have turned off cleartext port 53 DNS lookups (TCP&UDP). The reason for this …
Tags: dns
The Unfriendly Internet - Turning Off Cleartext Lookups in September
by Tykling @ February 10, 2022TL;DR Cleartext UDP and TCP DNS on port 53 (and on this service also 5353) is being turned off perm…
Tags: doh dns dot
Blog is Operational Again
by Tykling @ February 10, 2022I finally got around to getting the blog back online. It took longer than I would have liked, but t…
Tags: blog
Moving Day Coming Up
by Tykling @ January 23, 2022TL;DR: The unicast server is moving to a new hosting location within 1-2 weeks. Expect some downtim…
Tags: unicast
IPv6 Issues for Unicast / Telia
by Tykling @ February 15, 2021Since 01:57 CET today February 15th IPv6 has not been working for the Unicast server. This means DN…
Tags: dns ipv6
Solido Anycast Node Shut Down
by Tykling @ February 10, 2021The Solido anycast node has been shut down permanently today. Solido is owned by Sentia these days,…
Tags: anycast dns
Bornfiber Anycast Node Shut Down
by Tykling @ February 01, 2021The Bornfiber anycast node has been shut down permanently today. The company sponsoring the node go…
Tags: anycast dns
Hello to DNS-over-HTTPS and ECDSA Keys
by Tykling @ October 04, 2020This weekend I enabled DNS-over-HTTPS on all servers. I know many people have been waiting patientl…
Tags: ecdsa doh
DNS over TLS Pubkey Pinning Info for unicast.uncensoreddns.org
by Tykling @ July 16, 2017The public key for DNS-over-TLS on unicast.uncensoreddns.org / / 2a01:3a0:53:53:: is: …
Tags: pinning tls
New Logo
by Tykling @ May 12, 2017The project finally got a logo, and it turned out great! A huge thanks to my friend and colleague M…
Tags: logo
Bye ns1, hello unicast.censurfridns.dk, new v6 IP
by Tykling @ February 26, 2017Today has been moved to new hardware to improve response times and stability. The serv…
Tags: systemstatus
Webdesigner needed!
by Tykling @ March 27, 2016All the content has been moved from the old blog. Only a few things left to do, one of them is to g…
Tags: blog
New Blog Software
by Tykling @ March 25, 2016I finally got around to moving this blog off of the old Drupal based system. The old content will b…
Tags: blog
ns2.censurfridns.dk will shutdown october 1st and is being replaced with anycast.censurfridns.dk!
by Tykling @ September 22, 2014ns2.censurfridns.dk ( / 2002:5968:c28e::53) has since the beginning in october 2009 b…
Tags: systemstatus anycast
Presentations from RIPE65 and Cryptoparty CPH 2012
by Tykling @ November 15, 2012As you may know I was at RIPE65 on September 24th 2012 talking about this DNS service, you can see …
Tags: presentation
Three Years Birthday
by Tykling @ November 15, 2012Today, November 15th 2012 marks exactly three years since this service was launched. I've compiled …
Tags: birthday
Presentation From Talk at Open Source Days 2012
by Tykling @ March 28, 2012Jeg var inviteret til at fortælle om censurfridns på censorship opensourcedays
Guide explaining how to use the DNS servers
by Tykling @ November 13, 2011Today Bitbureauet published a guide on switching DNS servers …
Tags: guide
Interview about DNS censorship of grooveshark.com in todays Politiken
by Tykling @ November 13, 2011This friday I got a phonecall from Mikkel Vuroela from Politiken…
Tags: censorship grooveshark
New Twitter feed, new IRC channel, new blog server, and how to help spread the word
by Tykling @ November 09, 2011I made a twitter feed for system status updates, small comments and relevant links. I hope you will…
Tags: blog twitter irc merchandise
Interview in Todays Politiken
by Tykling @ October 01, 2011This Thursday Jakob Sorgenfri Kjær from the Danish newspaper Politiken called me and asked if he co…
Tags: censorship interview
DNS-censoring Illegal Pharmaceutical Vendors - 24hdiet.com Blocked
by Tykling @ September 30, 2011On 10 May 2011 the Danish Folketing adopted the bill L118 called "Draft Law amending the Law on dru…
Tags: censorship pharmaceutical vendors
DNS Censorship of Gambling Websites
by Tykling @ September 30, 2011Tuesday september 20th the EU commission censorship gambling websites
Boycutting the national collection for Save the Children Denmark
by Tykling @ September 04, 2011Today is the first Sunday of September, which is the day of the national collection of Save the Chi…
Tags: censorship save the children denmark
Five and a half years of stupidity - follow the money
by Tykling @ January 13, 2011Since the fall of 2005 the Danish Internet providers has semi voulentarily been a part of Save the …
Tags: censorship
Blocking bad content does not equal doing good things
by Tykling @ October 23, 2010One of the reasons most people initially like the idea of blocking child abuse images online is ver…
Tags: censorship
Planned downtime for ns2.censurfridns.dk
by Tykling @ October 17, 2010This evening, october 17th 2010 between 22:00 and midnight danish time ns2.censurfridns.dk will be …
Tags: systemstatus
Censurfridns Blog Launched
by Tykling @ October 17, 2010Welcome to blog.uncensoreddns.org! I've decided to …
Tags: blog